The IHIP Association was created on February 2018 in Geneva under Swiss law.
IHIP is supervised by the executive board and directed by the managing director .
IHIP BOARD: Chair: Pieter Mattelaer, deputy group leader of the Project Portfolio Management group at CERN The IHIP president is the deputy group leader of the Project Portfolio Management group at CERN. The group is responsible for the major construction projects at CERN in the fields of civil engineering and buildings. As an early adopter of the latest tools and processes used in the construction sector, he advises IHIP on the added value the association can bring to the humanitarian sector from a private sector perspective.
Treasurer: Mark Finegan, Head of Strategy and Operations, Infrastructure Division, Dublin Airport Mark Finegan is the h Mark is a key initiator of the IHIP story, advocating for more connection between humanitarian organizations and private sector since he was Chief Engineer at the World Food Program in 2015. He brings to IHIP this double understanding of the private sector reality and the humanitarian reality.
Secretary: Monica Ramos, Head Global Wash Cluster coordinatiom team
Monica Ramos is an experienced engineer in the humniatarian Water and Sanitation and Hygiene sector both from a donor perspective and a international NGO perspective. As the head of the Global Wash Cluster coordination team, she is a strategic asset for IHIP board, coordinating the association’s mandate in line with the humanitarian cluster logic and expectations. Since IHIP creation in 2018, the head of the Global Wash Cluster cooridnation team is happy to support IHIP as the secretariat of the executive board.
Managing Director: François Baillon, Eng, pHD
His engineering background and experience in driving the development of business activities of the International Federation of Consulting Engineers, are essentials drivers for IHIP to achieve its mandate.
Jeremy Foster, Technical Director at ByrneLooby
As the Chair of the Urban Hub, Jeremy is the main contact point between IHIP and the network of the largest international consulting enginering firms.
Thomas Nydegger, previous IHIP president
Thomas Nydegger joined IHIP since its begining in 2018 and helped the association to develop at its early stage. Buildong on solid experience in both business development and humanitarian affairs, he adviced and represented the association in multiple occasions.
He is now helping IHIP as a member, supporting partnerships and association management issues.
André Ullal , Scientific Collaborator with EPFL
André Ullal joined EPFL in 2018. His work concerns construction industries and markets in the world’s least-developed countries where poverty and political instability are linked.
This research builds upon a prior career as an architect and consultant managing projects and programs for a range of international organisations including: the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) , the UN Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat; South Sudan) and the International Ferderation of the Red Cross (IFRC; Pakistan).
The IHIP office is located in Geneva at the ” Maison Internationale de l’environement”:
IHIP c/o AITES MIE 2 Chemin de Balexert 9 1219 Châtelaine Geneva Switzerland
IHIP is committed to the humanitarian principles and principles of partnership .
What are Humanitarian Principles?
Humanitarian principles provide the fundamental foundations for humanitarian action. Humanitarian principles are central to establishing and maintaining access to affected populations whether in the context of a natural disaster, an armed conflict or a complex emergency. Promoting compliance with humanitarian principles in humanitarian responseis an essential element of effective humanitarian coordination.
Download the document from OCHA website
What are Principles of Partnership?

Special Advisers are helping IHIP on specific topic in which each adviser has a speciality. They are not voting members.
Jean-Sylvain Perrig, Expert in Portfolio Management and Investment Process
Jean Sylvain Perrig advises IHIP on its relation with the financial sector. He IHIP’s financial auditor.
Patrick Kilchenman, Founder and Owner at DROPSTONE Sàrl
He advises IHIP on working with the private sector at the local level on construction site.
Yolanda Tayler, Development Professional, Advisory Consulting, Public Procurement, Governance, Risk Management
Yolanda Tayler is a
Yolanda Tayler participated to the IHIP creation in 2018 and became the first special adviser in 2019. She advices IHIP on how to contribute to the Development – Humanitarian nexus.