IHIP c/o AITES MIE 2, Chemin de Balexert 9
1219 Châtelaine Geneva, Switzerland
Any physical or moral person may become a member of IHIP if they have demonstrated their dedication to the goals of the Association through their commitments or actions, even if they are employed by the Association.
Requests to become a member must be addressed to the Committee. The Committee informs the General Assembly which approves the membership request.
In addition to the full (voting) membership of the Association, there shall be other non-voting classifications of membership as follows:
(i) Affiliate Membership: any individual, association, organisation, firm or groups of firms which supports the objectives of the Federation.
(ii) Committee membership: any member of a IHIP committee
(iii) Fellow membership to allow researcher to join IHIP and run research programs in partnership
Use the contact form to apply for membership.